Bucks Unscramble word

bucks is a Scrabble word, bucks uses Five letters.
Scrabble point value for bucks Thirteen points.
Words with Friends point value for bucks: Thirteen points.

Below are the results of unscrambling bucks. We found a total of 35 words by unscrambling the letters in bucks.

4 letter words made by unscrambling the letters in bucks

buck 12 busk 10 cubs 8 cusk 10 suck 10

3 letter words made by unscrambling the letters in bucks

bks 9 bus 5 csk 9 cub 7 sub 5 suk 7 ubc 7

2 letter words made by unscrambling the letters in bucks

bk 8 bs 4 bu 4 cb 6 ck 8 cs 4 cu 4 kb 8 kc 8 sb 4 sc 4 sk 6 su 2 uc 4 us 2

Definitions of bucks

abbreviation for

  1. Buckinghamshire


  1. the male of various animals including the goat, hare, kangaroo, rabbit, and reindeer (as modifier)   ⇒ a buck antelope
  2. the male of various animals including the goat, hare, kangaroo, rabbit, and reindeer
  3. (as modifier)   ⇒ a buck antelope
  4. (South Africa ) an antelope or deer of either sex
  5. (US , informal ) a young man
  6. (archaic ) a robust spirited young man
  7. (archaic ) a dandy; fop
  8. the act of bucking
  9. the male of various animals including the goat, hare, kangaroo, rabbit, and reindeer
  10. (as modifier)   ⇒ a buck antelope


  1. (intransitive) (of a horse or other animal) to jump vertically, with legs stiff and back arched
  2. (transitive) (of a horse, etc) to throw (its rider) by bucking
  3. when intr, often foll by against (informal , mainly US & Canadian ) to resist or oppose obstinately   ⇒ to buck against change , to buck change
  4. (transitive; usually passive) (informal ) to cheer or encourage   ⇒ I was very bucked at passing the exam
  5. (US & Canadian , informal ) (esp of a car) to move forward jerkily; jolt
  6. (US & Canadian ) to charge against (something) with the head down; butt


  1. (US & Canadian & Australian ) a dollar
  2. (South Africa ) a rand
  3. See a fast buck
  4. See bang for one's buck


  1. (gymnastics ) a type of vaulting horse
  2. (US & Canadian ) a stand for timber during sawing Also called (in Britain and certain other countries) : sawhorse


  1. (transitive) (US & Canadian ) to cut (a felled or fallen tree) into lengths


  1. (poker ) a marker in the jackpot to remind the winner of some obligation when his turn comes to deal
  2. See pass the buck
  3. See the buck stops here