Bs Unscramble word

bs is a Scrabble word, bs uses Two letters.
Scrabble point value for bs Four points.
Words with Friends point value for bs: Four points.

Below are the results of unscrambling bs. We found a total of 11 words by unscrambling the letters in bs.

2 letter words made by unscrambling the letters in bs

sb 4

Definitions of bs

the internet domain name for

  1. Bahamas

abbreviation for

  1. Bachelor of Surgery
  2. British Standard(s) (indicating the catalogue or publication number of the British Standards Institution)
  3. Bahamas (international car registration)


  1. the second letter and first consonant of the modern English alphabet
  2. a speech sound represented by this letter, usually a voiced bilabial stop, as in bell
  3. Also : beta . the second in a series, esp the second highest grade in an examination

abbreviation for

  1. Bachelor of Science

abbreviation for

  1. bags
  2. bales
  3. bill of sale