Rungs Unscramble word

rungs is a Scrabble word, rungs uses Five letters.
Scrabble point value for rungs Six points.
Words with Friends point value for rungs: Six points.

Below are the results of unscrambling rungs. We found a total of 55 words by unscrambling the letters in rungs.

4 letter words made by unscrambling the letters in rungs

gnus 5 grun 5 grus 5 guns 5 rugs 5 rung 5 runs 4 snug 5 snur 4 sung 5 surg 5 urns 4

3 letter words made by unscrambling the letters in rungs

gns 4 gnu 4 grs 4 gun 4 gur 4 gus 4 nus 3 rug 4 run 3 rus 3 sun 3 sur 3 ung 4 uns 3 urn 3 urs 3

2 letter words made by unscrambling the letters in rungs

gn 3 gr 3 gs 3 gu 3 ng 3 nr 2 ns 2 nu 2 rg 3 rn 2 rs 2 sg 3 sn 2 sr 2 su 2 ug 3 un 2 ur 2 us 2

Definitions of rungs


  1. one of the bars or rods that form the steps of a ladder
  2. a crosspiece between the legs of a chair, etc
  3. (nautical ) a spoke on a ship's wheel or a handle projecting from the periphery
  4. (dialect ) a cudgel or staff


  1. the past participle of ring2


  1. a circular band usually of a precious metal, esp gold, often set with gems and worn upon the finger as an adornment or as a token of engagement or marriage
  2. any object or mark that is circular in shape
  3. a circular path or course   ⇒ to run around in a ring
  4. a group of people or things standing or arranged so as to form a circle   ⇒ a ring of spectators
  5. an enclosed space, usually circular in shape, where circus acts are performed
  6. a square apron or raised platform, marked off by ropes, in which contestants box or wrestle
  7. See the ring
  8. the field of competition or rivalry
  9. See throw one's hat in the ring
  10. a group of people usually operating illegally and covertly   ⇒ a drug ring , a paedophile ring
  11. (esp at country fairs) an enclosure, often circular, where horses, cattle, and other livestock are paraded and auctioned
  12. an area reserved for betting at a racecourse
  13. a circular strip of bark cut from a tree or branch, esp in order to kill it
  14. a single turn in a spiral
  15. (geometry ) the area of space lying between two concentric circles
  16. (mathematics ) a set that is subject to two binary operations, addition and multiplication, such that the set is an Abelian group under addition and is closed under multiplication, this latter operation being associative
  17. (botany ) short for annual ring
  18. Also called : closed chain (chemistry ) a closed loop of atoms in a molecule
  19. (astronomy ) any of the thin circular bands of small bodies orbiting a giant planet, esp Saturn See also Saturn2 (sense 1)
  20. See run rings around


  1. to surround with, or as if with, or form a ring; encircle
  2. to mark (a bird) with a ring or clip for subsequent identification
  3. to fit a ring in the nose of (a bull, pig, etc) so that it can be led easily
  4. Also : ringbark to cut away a circular strip of bark from (a tree or branch) in order to kill it to cut a narrow or partial ring from (the trunk of a tree) in order to check or prevent vigorous growth
  5. to cut away a circular strip of bark from (a tree or branch) in order to kill it
  6. to cut a narrow or partial ring from (the trunk of a tree) in order to check or prevent vigorous growth
  7. (Australian & New Zealand ) to be the fastest shearer in (a shearing shed), esp in the phrase ring the shed)
  8. to cut away a circular strip of bark from (a tree or branch) in order to kill it
  9. to cut a narrow or partial ring from (the trunk of a tree) in order to check or prevent vigorous growth


  1. to emit or cause to emit a sonorous or resonant sound, characteristic of certain metals when struck
  2. to cause (a bell) to emit a ringing sound by striking it once or repeatedly or (of a bell) to emit such a sound
  3. (transitive) to cause (a large bell, esp a church bell) to emit a ringing sound by pulling on a rope that is attached to a wheel on which the bell swings back and forth, being sounded by a clapper inside it Compare chime1 (sense 6) (intransitive) (of a bell) to sound by being swung in this way
  4. (transitive) to cause (a large bell, esp a church bell) to emit a ringing sound by pulling on a rope that is attached to a wheel on which the bell swings back and forth, being sounded by a clapper inside it Compare chime1 (sense 6)
  5. (intransitive) (of a bell) to sound by being swung in this way
  6. (intransitive) (of a building, place, etc) to be filled with sound; echo   ⇒ the church rang with singing
  7. (intransitive) foll by for to call by means of a bell, buzzer, etc   ⇒ to ring for the butler
  8. Also : ring up (mainly British ) to call (a person) by telephone
  9. (transitive) to strike or tap (a coin) in order to assess its genuineness by the sound produced
  10. (intransitive) (of the ears) to have or give the sensation of humming or ringing
  11. (intransitive) (electronics ) (of an electric circuit) to produce a damped oscillatory wave after the application of a sharp input transition
  12. (transitive) (slang ) to change the identity of (a stolen vehicle) by using the licence plate, serial number, etc, of another, usually disused, vehicle
  13. See ring a bell
  14. See ring down the curtain
  15. See ring false
  16. See ring the bell
  17. See ring the changes
  18. See ring true
  19. (transitive) to cause (a large bell, esp a church bell) to emit a ringing sound by pulling on a rope that is attached to a wheel on which the bell swings back and forth, being sounded by a clapper inside it Compare chime1 (sense 6)
  20. (intransitive) (of a bell) to sound by being swung in this way


  1. the act of or a sound made by ringing
  2. a sound produced by or suggestive of a bell
  3. any resonant or metallic sound, esp one sustained or re-echoed   ⇒ the ring of trumpets
  4. (informal , mainly British ) a telephone call   ⇒ he gave her a ring last night
  5. the complete set of bells in a tower or belfry   ⇒ a ring of eight bells See peal1 (sense 3)
  6. an inherent quality or characteristic   ⇒ his explanation has the ring of sincerity
  7. (electronics ) the damped oscillatory wave produced by a circuit that rings