Punch Unscramble word

punch is a Scrabble word, punch uses Five letters.
Scrabble point value for punch Twelve points.
Words with Friends point value for punch: Twelve points.

Below are the results of unscrambling punch. We found a total of 33 words by unscrambling the letters in punch.

4 letter words made by unscrambling the letters in punch

chun 9

3 letter words made by unscrambling the letters in punch

chn 8 cpu 7 cun 5 cup 7 hun 6 hup 8 phu 8 pun 5 unc 5 unp 5

2 letter words made by unscrambling the letters in punch

ch 7 cp 6 cu 4 hp 7 hu 5 np 4 nu 2 pc 6 ph 7 pu 4 uc 4 uh 5 un 2 up 4

Definitions of punch

British English : punch If you punch someone or something, you hit them hard with your fist.After punching him on the chin, she wound up hitting him over the head.pʌntʃ VERB


  1. to strike blows (at), esp with a clenched fist
  2. (transitive) (Western US ) to herd or drive (cattle), esp for a living
  3. (transitive) to poke or prod with a stick or similar object
  4. See punch above one's weight


  1. a blow with the fist
  2. (informal ) telling force, point, or vigour   ⇒ his arguments lacked punch
  3. See pull one's punches


  1. a tool or machine for piercing holes in a material
  2. any of various tools used for knocking a bolt, rivet, etc, out of a hole
  3. a tool or machine used for stamping a design on something or shaping it by impact
  4. the solid die of a punching machine for cutting, stamping, or shaping material
  5. (computing ) a device, such as a card punch or tape punch, used for making holes in a card or paper tape
  6. See centre punch


  1. (transitive) to pierce, cut, stamp, shape, or drive with a punch


  1. any mixed drink containing fruit juice and, usually, alcoholic liquor, generally hot and spiced


  1. the main character in the traditional children's puppet show Punch and Judy