British English : on If someone or something is on a surface, it is resting there.There was a large box on the table.ɒn PREPOSITION
in contact or connection with the surface of; at the upper surface of ⇒ an apple on the ground , a mark on the table cloth
attached to ⇒ a puppet on a string
carried with ⇒ I've no money on me
in the immediate vicinity of; close to or along the side of ⇒ a house on the sea , this verges on the ridiculous!
within the time limits of a day or date ⇒ he arrived on Thursday
being performed upon or relayed through the medium of ⇒ what's on the television?
at the occasion of ⇒ on his retirement
used to indicate support, subsistence, contingency, etc ⇒ he lives on bread , it depends on what you want
regularly taking (a drug) ⇒ she's on the pill addicted to ⇒ he's on heroin
regularly taking (a drug) ⇒ she's on the pill
addicted to ⇒ he's on heroin
by means of (something considered as a mode of transport) (esp in such phrases as on foot, on wheels, on horseback, etc)
in the process or course of ⇒ on a journey , on strike
concerned with or relating to ⇒ a tax on potatoes , a programme on archaeology
used to indicate the basis, grounds, or cause, as of a statement or action ⇒ I have it on good authority
against: used to indicate opposition ⇒ they marched on the city at dawn
used to indicate a meeting or encounter ⇒ he crept up on her
(used with an adjective preceded by the) indicating the manner or way in which an action is carried out ⇒ on the sly , on the cheap
(informal ) staked or wagered as a bet ⇒ ten pounds on that horse charged to ⇒ the drinks are on me
staked or wagered as a bet ⇒ ten pounds on that horse
charged to ⇒ the drinks are on me
(usually followed by it) (Australian ) drinking alcoholic liquor
(informal (or dialect ) to the loss or disadvantage of ⇒ the old car gave out on us
regularly taking (a drug) ⇒ she's on the pill
addicted to ⇒ he's on heroin
staked or wagered as a bet ⇒ ten pounds on that horse
charged to ⇒ the drinks are on me
adverb (often used as a particle)
in the position or state required for the commencement or sustained continuation, as of a mechanical operation ⇒ the radio's been on all night
attached to, surrounding, or placed in contact with something ⇒ the girl had nothing on
taking place ⇒ what's on tonight?
in a manner indicating continuity, persistence, concentration, etc ⇒ don't keep on about it , the play went on all afternoon
in a direction towards something, esp forwards; so as to make progress ⇒ we drove on towards London , march on!
See on and off
See on and on
functioning; operating ⇒ turn the switch to the on position
(postpositive) (informal ) performing, as on stage ⇒ I'm on in five minutes definitely taking place ⇒ the match is on for Friday , their marriage is still on tolerable, practicable, acceptable, etc ⇒ your plan just isn't on (of a person) willing to do something
performing, as on stage ⇒ I'm on in five minutes
definitely taking place ⇒ the match is on for Friday , their marriage is still on
tolerable, practicable, acceptable, etc ⇒ your plan just isn't on
(of a person) willing to do something
See on at
(cricket ) (of a bowler) bowling
performing, as on stage ⇒ I'm on in five minutes
definitely taking place ⇒ the match is on for Friday , their marriage is still on
tolerable, practicable, acceptable, etc ⇒ your plan just isn't on
(of a person) willing to do something
(cricket ) (modifier) relating to or denoting the leg side of a cricket field or pitch ⇒ the on side , an on drive (in combination) used to designate certain fielding positions on the leg side ⇒ long-on , mid-on
(modifier) relating to or denoting the leg side of a cricket field or pitch ⇒ the on side , an on drive
(in combination) used to designate certain fielding positions on the leg side ⇒ long-on , mid-on
(modifier) relating to or denoting the leg side of a cricket field or pitch ⇒ the on side , an on drive
(in combination) used to designate certain fielding positions on the leg side ⇒ long-on , mid-on
the ancient Egyptian and biblical name for Heliopolis
abbreviation for
Old Norse
(esp in postal addresses) Ontario
suffix forming nouns
indicating a chemical substance ⇒ interferon , parathion
(in physics) indicating an elementary particle or quantum ⇒ electron , photon
(in chemistry) indicating an inert gas ⇒ neon , radon
(in biochemistry) a molecular unit ⇒ codon , operon