Lyrics Unscramble word

lyrics is a Scrabble word, lyrics uses Six letters.
Scrabble point value for lyrics Eleven points.
Words with Friends point value for lyrics: Eleven points.

Below are the results of unscrambling lyrics. We found a total of 66 words by unscrambling the letters in lyrics.

5 letter words made by unscrambling the letters in lyrics

cyril 10 lyric 10

4 letter words made by unscrambling the letters in lyrics

cirl 6 cris 6 scil 6 scry 9

3 letter words made by unscrambling the letters in lyrics

cir 5 cis 5 cli 5 clr 5 cly 8 crl 5 crs 5 cry 8 csi 5 cyl 8 icy 8 irs 3 isl 3 lir 3 lis 3 lsc 5 lyc 8 lys 6 ric 5 rly 6 sci 5 scr 5 sic 5 sil 3 sir 3 sly 6 sri 3 syl 6 syr 6 yis 6 yrs 6

2 letter words made by unscrambling the letters in lyrics

cl 4 cr 4 cs 4 cy 7 ic 4 il 2 ir 2 is 2 lc 4 li 2 lr 2 ls 2 ly 5 rc 4 rs 2 sc 4 si 2 sl 2 sr 2 yi 5 yr 5 ys 5

Definitions of lyrics

British English : lyrics The lyrics of a song are its words.The singer writes poetic lyrics.ˈlɪrɪks NOUN

plural noun

  1. the words of a popular song   ⇒ Kurt Weill's Broadway opera with lyrics by Langston Hughes , He wrote the lyrics for Abba's songs.


  1. (of poetry ) expressing the writer's personal feelings and thoughts having the form and manner of a song
  2. expressing the writer's personal feelings and thoughts
  3. having the form and manner of a song
  4. of or relating to such poetry
  5. (of music) having songlike qualities
  6. (of a singing voice) having a light quality and tone
  7. intended for singing, esp (in classical Greece) to the accompaniment of the lyre
  8. expressing the writer's personal feelings and thoughts
  9. having the form and manner of a song


  1. a short poem of songlike quality
  2. (plural) the words of a popular song