British English : in ɪn You use in to say when something happens.He was born in winter. PREPOSITIONdenoting time
inside; within ⇒ no smoking in the auditorium
at a place where there is ⇒ lying in the shade , walking in the rain
indicating a state, situation, or condition ⇒ in a deep sleep , standing in silence
before or when (a period of time) has elapsed ⇒ come back in one year
using (a language, etc) as a means of communication ⇒ written in code
concerned or involved with, esp as an occupation ⇒ in journalism
expressing a ratio, proportion, or probability ⇒ one in five boys
while or by performing the action of; as a consequence of or by means of ⇒ in crossing the street he was run over
used to indicate goal or purpose ⇒ in honour of the president
(used of certain animals) about to give birth to; pregnant with (specified offspring) ⇒ in foal , in calf
a variant of into ⇒ she fell in the water , he tore the paper in two
See have it in one
See in it
See in that
See nothing in it
adverb (particle)
in or into a particular place; inward or indoors ⇒ come in , bring him in
so as to achieve office, power, or authority ⇒ the Conservatives got in at the last election
so as to enclose ⇒ block in , cover in a hole
(in certain games) so as to take one's turn or one's team's turn at a certain aspect of the play; taking one's innings ⇒ you have to get the other side out before you go in
(British ) (of a fire) alight ⇒ do you keep the fire in all night?
(in combination) indicating an activity or gathering, esp one organized to protest against something ⇒ teach-in , work-in
See in at
See in between
See in for
See in on
See in with
See have it in for
(stressed) fashionable; modish ⇒ the in thing to do
(New Zealand ) competing ⇒ you've got to be in to win
See ins and outs
the internet domain name for
the chemical symbol for
abbreviation for
suffix forming nouns
indicating a neutral organic compound, including proteins, glucosides, and glycerides ⇒ insulin , digitoxin , tripalmitin
indicating an enzyme in certain nonsystematic names ⇒ pepsin
indicating a pharmaceutical substance ⇒ penicillin , riboflavin , aspirin
indicating a chemical substance in certain nonsystematic names ⇒ coumarin