Bar Unscramble word

bar is a Scrabble word, bar uses Three letters.
Scrabble point value for bar Five points.
Words with Friends point value for bar: Five points.

Below are the results of unscrambling bar. We found a total of 18 words by unscrambling the letters in bar.

3 letter words made by unscrambling the letters in bar

abr 5 arb 5 bra 5 rab 5

2 letter words made by unscrambling the letters in bar

ab 4 ar 2 ba 4 br 4 ra 2

Definitions of bar

British English : bar If you bar a door, you place something in front of it or a piece of wood or metal across it in order to prevent it from being opened. VERBFor added safety, bar the door to the kitchen.


  1. a rigid usually straight length of metal, wood, etc, that is longer than it is wide or thick, used esp as a barrier or as a structural or mechanical part   ⇒ a bar of a gate
  2. a solid usually rectangular block of any material   ⇒ a bar of soap
  3. anything that obstructs or prevents
  4. an offshore ridge of sand, mud, or shingle lying near the shore and parallel to it, across the mouth of a river, bay, or harbour, or linking an island to the mainland (US & Canadian ) an alluvial deposit in a stream, river, or lake
  5. an offshore ridge of sand, mud, or shingle lying near the shore and parallel to it, across the mouth of a river, bay, or harbour, or linking an island to the mainland
  6. (US & Canadian ) an alluvial deposit in a stream, river, or lake
  7. a counter or room where alcoholic drinks are served
  8. a counter, room, or establishment where a particular range of goods, food, services, etc, are sold   ⇒ a coffee bar , a heel bar
  9. a narrow band or stripe, as of colour or light
  10. a heating element in an electric fire
  11. (in England) the area in a court of law separating the part reserved for the bench and Queen's Counsel from the area occupied by junior barristers, solicitors, and the general public See also Bar
  12. the place in a court of law where the accused stands during his trial   ⇒ the prisoner at the bar
  13. a particular court of law
  14. (British ) (in the House of Lords and House of Commons) the boundary where nonmembers wishing to address either House appear and where persons are arraigned
  15. a plea showing that a plaintiff has no cause of action, as when the case has already been adjudicated upon or the time allowed for bringing the action has passed
  16. anything referred to as an authority or tribunal   ⇒ the bar of decency
  17. Also called : measure (music ) a group of beats that is repeated with a consistent rhythm throughout a piece or passage of music. The number of beats in the bar is indicated by the time signature another word for bar line
  18. a group of beats that is repeated with a consistent rhythm throughout a piece or passage of music. The number of beats in the bar is indicated by the time signature
  19. another word for bar line
  20. (British ) insignia added to a decoration indicating a second award (US ) a strip of metal worn with uniform, esp to signify rank or as an award for service
  21. (British ) insignia added to a decoration indicating a second award
  22. (US ) a strip of metal worn with uniform, esp to signify rank or as an award for service
  23. a variant spelling of barre
  24. (sport ) See crossbar
  25. (gymnastics ) See horizontal bar
  26. part of the metal mouthpiece of a horse's bridle the space between the horse's teeth in which such a part fits
  27. part of the metal mouthpiece of a horse's bridle
  28. the space between the horse's teeth in which such a part fits
  29. either of two horny extensions that project forwards and inwards from the rear of the outer layer of a horse's hoof
  30. See crowbar , glazing-bar
  31. (lacemaking , needlework ) another name for bride2
  32. (heraldry ) an ordinary consisting of a horizontal line across a shield, typically narrower than a fesse, and usually appearing in twos or threes
  33. (mathematics ) a superscript line ⁻ placed over a letter symbol to indicate, for example, a mean value or the complex conjugate of a complex number
  34. See behind bars
  35. See won't have a bar of
  36. an offshore ridge of sand, mud, or shingle lying near the shore and parallel to it, across the mouth of a river, bay, or harbour, or linking an island to the mainland
  37. (US & Canadian ) an alluvial deposit in a stream, river, or lake
  38. a group of beats that is repeated with a consistent rhythm throughout a piece or passage of music. The number of beats in the bar is indicated by the time signature
  39. another word for bar line
  40. (British ) insignia added to a decoration indicating a second award
  41. (US ) a strip of metal worn with uniform, esp to signify rank or as an award for service
  42. part of the metal mouthpiece of a horse's bridle
  43. the space between the horse's teeth in which such a part fits


  1. to fasten or secure with a bar   ⇒ to bar the door
  2. to shut in or out with or as if with barriers   ⇒ to bar the entrances
  3. to obstruct; hinder   ⇒ the fallen tree barred the road
  4. (usually followed by from) to prohibit; forbid   ⇒ to bar a couple from meeting
  5. (usually followed by from) to keep out; exclude   ⇒ to bar a person from membership
  6. to mark with a bar or bars
  7. (law ) to prevent or halt (an action) by showing that the claimant has no cause
  8. to mark off (music) into bars with bar lines


  1. except for   ⇒ the best recital bar last night's
  2. See bar none


  1. a cgs unit of pressure equal to 106 dynes per square centimetre. 1 bar is equivalent to 105 newtons per square metre


  1. immunity from being caught or otherwise penalized in a game


  1. a cry for such immunity

abbreviation for

  1. Browning Automatic Rifle


  1. (music ) the vertical line marking the boundary between one bar and the next

abbreviation for

  1. barometer
  2. barometric
  3. barrel (container or unit of measure)
  4. barrister


  1. (before Jewish patronymic names) son of   ⇒ Bar-Kochba